Thursday, January 7, 2010

winterization complete!

Ok, I've put up plastic sheeting and tarps around the screened porch and put the nice big heating pad under the ferals' wool blanket nest.  It feels much warmer in there now.  All of the plants have been moved to the porch or covered.

 Of course the cats are a little freaked out because they hate change and their area now looks and sounds different.  Sprout and Larry are cautiously sniffing around and Colonel Popcorn is in one of the blanket-lined baskets, although they are avoiding the chaise with the heating pad.  These cats are not that bright.

I feel a little guilty worrying about these three cats when there are 4000 homeless people in Austin needing to be sheltered, but as my friend, Laura says, this is my world.


  1. Those three cats matter too & they apreciate warmth as much as anyone else would!

  2. Thanks, Heather. You're right. :-)
