Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Ok, I'm not quite ready to go into business or anything, but I do like printing t-shirts.  I really like finding the shirts at thrift stores.  I just don't feel like there need to be a lot of new t-shirts in the world.   Here's the three I've printed so far:

The bird shirt is my favorite,  but I have some ideas about ways to make the circle shirt a lot cooler--its color combo is the best, but looks washed out in the picture, red-violet on brown.  I like the Screamin' Jay Hawkins shirt, too, but I just can't seem to take a decent picture of it.  

In the interest of practicing my new skill before I forget how to do it, yesterday I bought some screen paints and a stack of paper for printmaking at Jerry's.  I just need to practice with great frequency and abandon until I feel comfortable with it.  I really like the process and it's something I've always wanted to do.  Think I will look around for some more used t-shirts and get one container of fabric paint and print up a few more shirts this week.    


  1. DUDEEEEEEE, they are soooo beautiful!!! I LOVE them all, especially the birdie one. oooo maybe you could make a bower bird shirt with a TOtally decorated pad. dreamy.

  2. These are awesome! And I love your idea for the Screaming Jay Hawkins shirt -- that is one of my favorite movie lines of all time.

  3. They all look great! Look forward to more.

  4. Madame beer, that's one of my favorite movie lines, too, so I was happy to celebrate it in cotton! Thank you, Iris and Michele. I have more designs that I haven't printed so I just need to come up with a large supply of shirts!

  5. Love all of them!! Cooooool!!!

  6. These make me so happy. Now I want to learn! Learning! Yeah!

  7. Joolie, I highly recommend Kat McTee's awesome "Adventures in Screen printing" at the fabulous Stitch Lab. It's such a great class and you learn how to do several different processes. (Plus, you get to hang out with super nice and smart people.) There's always a pot of coffee on, too.
