My last screen printing class at the Stitch Lab is this coming Sunday. I've been nursing a sick kitty--it's a very long story--so I haven't had much time for making lately. However, this morning I made another stencil to print on Sunday. I really like this one. It's from a Charley Harper drawing.
I'm going to print it on this green paper and on a t-shirt. That's how much I like it.
I also made two transparencies for the photo emulsions prints. They'll be printed on t-shirts. Here's one:
I made this one on Johnny Cash's birthday last week. I also made one of Screamin' Jay Hawkins that proclaims "It's Screamin' Jay Hawkins and he's a wild man, so bug off," from "Stranger than Paradise." None of my photographs are good, so I'll just have to wait to post that one when it's actually on a t-shirt!
We'll be doing nothing but printing in this last class, so I'll be able to make a prints on paper (bought some nice green and orange heavy paper from Jerry's) and a few t-shirt prints. I picked up 4 t-shirts at Savers last week. Can't wait to wear my own custom shirts!
I've been working with a lot of my art-making demons: the big ones that tell me I'm not an artist; the nagging ones that tell me what I do is crap; and the frightened, vulnerable ones that mostly show up in class. I'm starting to keep a journal and reading more about blocks to creativity and how to work with them. What seems to work the best is just to continue to make.
The other thing that I've found to be invaluable on this journey is to surround myself with people who believe in me and who support what I want in my life. It's interesting to find that when you start showing up in your own life, you start really knowing who those people are.